Source code for expfactory.battery

''' part of expfactory package
Functions to generate batteries

from expfactory.vm import custom_battery_download, get_jspsych_init, get_stylejs
from expfactory.experiment import get_experiments, load_experiment
from expfactory.utils import copy_directory, get_template, \
     sub_template, get_installdir, save_template
import tempfile
import shutil
import uuid
import os
import re

[docs]def generate_base(battery_dest,tasks=None,experiment_repo=None,survey_repo=None,game_repo=None, add_experiments=True,add_surveys=True,add_games=True,battery_repo=None,warning=True): '''generate_base returns a folder with downloaded experiments, surveys, and battery, either specified by the user or a temporary directory, to be used by generate_local and generate (for psiturk) :param battery_dest: [required] is the output folder for your battery. This folder MUST NOT EXIST. :param battery_repo: location of psiturk-battery repo to use as a template. If not specified, will be downloaded to a temporary directory :param experiment_repo: location of a expfactory-experiments repo to check for valid experiments. If not specified, will be downloaded to a temporary directory :param survey_repo: location of a expfactory-surveys repo to check for valid surveys. If not specified, will be downloaded to a temporary directory :param tasks: a list of experiments and surveys, meaning the "exp_id" variable in the config.json, to include. This variable also conincides with the tasks folder name. :param warning: show warnings when validating experiments (default True) ''' if experiment_repo == None or battery_repo == None or survey_repo == None or game_repo == None: tmpdir = custom_battery_download() if experiment_repo == None: experiment_repo = "%s/experiments" %(tmpdir) if battery_repo == None: battery_repo = "%s/battery" %(tmpdir) if survey_repo == None: survey_repo = "%s/surveys" %(tmpdir) if game_repo == None: game_repo = "%s/games" %(tmpdir) # Copy battery skeleton to destination copy_directory(battery_repo,battery_dest) valid_experiments = [] valid_surveys = [] valid_games = [] if add_experiments == True: valid_experiments = get_experiments(experiment_repo,warning=warning) if add_surveys == True: valid_surveys = get_experiments(survey_repo,warning=warning,repo_type="surveys") if add_games == True: valid_games = get_experiments(game_repo,warning=warning,repo_type="games") # If the user wants to select a subset if tasks != None: valid_experiments = [x for x in valid_experiments if os.path.basename(x) in [os.path.basename(e) for e in tasks]] valid_surveys = [x for x in valid_surveys if os.path.basename(x) in [os.path.basename(e) for e in tasks]] valid_games = [x for x in valid_games if os.path.basename(x) in [os.path.basename(e) for e in tasks]] base = {"battery_repo":battery_repo, "experiment_repo":experiment_repo, "survey_repo":survey_repo, "game_repo":game_repo, "experiments":valid_experiments, "surveys":valid_surveys, "games":valid_games} return base
[docs]def generate_local(battery_dest=None,subject_id=None,battery_repo=None,experiment_repo=None,experiments=None,warning=True,time=30): '''generate_local deploys a local battery will create a battery from a template and list of experiments :param battery_dest: is the output folder for your battery. This folder MUST NOT EXIST. If not specified, a temp directory will be used :param battery_repo: location of psiturk-battery repo to use as a template. If not specified, will be downloaded to a temporary directory :param experiment_repo: location of a expfactory-experiments repo to check for valid experiments. If not specified, will be downloaded to a temporary directory :param experiments: a list of experiments, meaning the "exp_id" variable in the config.json, to include. This variable also conincides with the experiment folder name. :param subject_id: The subject id to embed in the experiment, and the name of the results file. If none is provided, a unique ID will be generated. :param time: Maximum amount of time for battery to endure, to select experiments ''' if battery_dest == None: battery_dest = tempfile.mkdtemp() shutil.rmtree(battery_dest) # We can only generate a battery to a folder that does not exist, to be safe if not os.path.exists(battery_dest): base = generate_base(battery_dest=battery_dest, tasks=experiments, experiment_repo=experiment_repo, battery_repo=battery_repo, warning=warning, add_surveys=False) # We will output a local battery template (without psiturk) template_exp = "%s/templates/localbattery.html" %get_installdir() template_exp_output = "%s/index.html" %(battery_dest) # Generate a unique id if subject_id == None: subject_id = uuid.uuid4() # Add custom variable "subject ID" to the battery - will be added to data custom_variables = dict() custom_variables["exp"] = [("[SUB_SUBJECT_ID_SUB]",subject_id)] custom_variables["load"] = [("[SUB_TOTALTIME_SUB]",time)] # Fill in templates with the experiments template_experiments(battery_dest=battery_dest, battery_repo=base["battery_repo"], valid_experiments=base["experiments"], template_exp=template_exp, template_exp_output=template_exp_output, custom_variables=custom_variables) return battery_dest else: print("Folder exists at %s, cannot generate." %(battery_dest))
[docs]def generate(battery_dest=None,battery_repo=None,experiment_repo=None,experiments=None,config=None,make_config=True,warning=True,time=30): '''generate will create a battery from a template and list of experiments :param battery_dest: is the output folder for your battery. This folder MUST NOT EXIST. If not specified, a temp folder is created :param battery_repo: location of psiturk-battery repo to use as a template. If not specified, will be downloaded to a temporary directory :param experiment_repo: location of a expfactory-experiments repo to check for valid experiments. If not specified, will be downloaded to a temporary directory :param experiments: a list of experiments, meaning the "exp_id" variable in the config.json, to include. This variable also conincides with the experiment folder name. :param config: A dictionary with keys that coincide with parameters in the config.txt file for a expfactory experiment. If not provided, a dummy config will be generated. :param make_config: A boolean (default True) to control generation of the config. If there is a config generated before calling this function, this should be set to False. :param warning: Show config.json warnings when validating experiments. Default is True :param time: maximum amount of time for battery to endure (default 30 minutes) to select experiments ''' if battery_dest == None: battery_dest = tempfile.mkdtemp() shutil.rmtree(battery_dest) # We can only generate a battery to a folder that does not exist, to be safe if not os.path.exists(battery_dest): base = generate_base(battery_dest=battery_dest, tasks=experiments, experiment_repo=experiment_repo, battery_repo=battery_repo, warning=warning, add_surveys=False) custom_variables = dict() custom_variables["load"] = [("[SUB_TOTALTIME_SUB]",time)] # Fill in templates with the experiments template_experiments(battery_dest=battery_dest, battery_repo=base["battery_repo"], valid_experiments=base["experiments"], custom_variables=custom_variables) # Generte config if make_config: if config == None: config = dict() generate_config(battery_dest,config) return battery_dest else: print("Folder exists at %s, cannot generate." %(battery_dest))
[docs]def template_experiments(battery_dest,battery_repo,valid_experiments,template_load=None,template_exp=None, template_exp_output=None,custom_variables=None): '''template_experiments: For each valid experiment, copies the entire folder into the battery destination directory, and generates templates with appropriate paths to run them :param battery_dest: full path to destination folder of battery :param battery_repo: full path to psiturk-battery repo template :param valid_experiments: a list of full paths to experiment folders to include :param template_load: the load_experiments.js template file. If not specified, the file from the battery repo is used. :param template_exp: the exp.html template file that runs load_experiment.js. If not specified, the psiturk file from the battery repo is used. :param template_exp_output: The output file for template_exp. if not specified, the default psiturk templates/exp.html is used :param custom_variables: A dictionary of custom variables to add to templates. Keys should either be "exp" or "load", and values should be tuples with the first index the thing to sub (eg, [SUB_THIS_SUB]) and the second the substitition to make. ''' # Generate run template, make substitutions if template_load == None: template_load = "%s/static/js/load_experiments.js" %(battery_repo) if template_exp == None: template_exp = "%s/templates/exp.html" %(battery_repo) if template_exp_output == None: template_exp_output = "%s/templates/exp.html" %(battery_dest) load_template = get_template(template_load) exp_template = get_template(template_exp) valid_experiments = move_experiments(valid_experiments,battery_dest) loadstatic = get_load_static(valid_experiments) concatjs = get_concat_js(valid_experiments) timingjs = get_timing_js(valid_experiments) load_template = sub_template(load_template,"[SUB_EXPERIMENTCONCAT_SUB]",concatjs) exp_template = sub_template(exp_template,"[SUB_EXPERIMENTSTATIC_SUB]",loadstatic) load_template = sub_template(load_template,"[SUB_EXPERIMENTTIMES_SUB]",str(timingjs)) # Add custom user variables if custom_variables != None: if "exp" in custom_variables: exp_template = add_custom_variables(custom_variables["exp"],exp_template) if "load" in custom_variables: load_template = add_custom_variables(custom_variables["load"],load_template) # load experiment scripts if not os.path.exists("%s/static/js" %(battery_dest)): os.mkdir("%s/static/js" %(battery_dest)) template_output = "%s/static/js/load_experiments.js" %(battery_dest) filey = open(template_output,'w') filey.writelines(load_template) filey.close() # exp.html template filey = open(template_exp_output,'w') filey.writelines(exp_template) filey.close()
[docs]def add_custom_variables(custom_variables,template): '''add_custom_variables takes a list of tuples and a template, where each tuple is a ("[TAG]","substitution") and the template is an open file with the tag. :param custom_variables: a list of tuples (see description above) :param template: an open file to replace "tag" with "substitute" ''' for custom_var in custom_variables: template = sub_template(template,custom_var[0],str(custom_var[1])) return template
[docs]def move_experiments(valid_experiments,battery_dest,repo_type="experiments"): '''move_experiments Moves valid experiments into the experiments folder in battery repo :param valid_experiments: a list of full paths to valid experiments :param battery_dest: full path to battery destination folder :param repo_type: the kind of task to move (default is experiments) ''' moved_experiments = [] for valid_experiment in valid_experiments: try: experiment_folder = os.path.basename(valid_experiment) copy_directory(valid_experiment,"%s/static/%s/%s" %(battery_dest,repo_type,experiment_folder)) moved_experiments.append(valid_experiment) except: print("Cannot move %s, will not be added." %(valid_experiment)) return moved_experiments
[docs]def generate_config(battery_dest,fields): '''generate_config takes a dictionary, and for matching fields, substitues and prints to "config.txt" in a specified battery directory :param battery_dest: should be the copied, skeleton battery folder in generation :param fields: should be a dictionary with fields that match those in the config non matching fields will be ignored. ''' config = get_config() # Convert dictionaries back to string for l in range(len(config)): line = config[l] if isinstance(line,dict): linekey = line.keys()[0] if linekey in fields.keys(): config[l][linekey] = fields[linekey] config[l] = "%s = %s" %(linekey,config[l][linekey]) config = "\n".join(config) save_template("%s/config.txt" %battery_dest,config) return config
[docs]def get_config(): '''get_config load in a dummy config file from expfactory ''' module_path = get_installdir() template = "%s/templates/config.txt" %(module_path) config = get_template(template) config = config.split(os.linesep) for l in range(len(config)): line = config[l] if len(line)>0: if line[0]!="[": fields = [x.strip(" ") for x in line.split("=")] config[l] = {fields[0]:fields[1]} return config
[docs]def get_load_static(valid_experiments,url_prefix="",unique=True): '''get_load_static return the scripts and styles as <link> and <script> to embed in a page directly :param unique: return only unique scripts [default=True] ''' loadstring = "" for valid_experiment in valid_experiments: experiment = load_experiment(valid_experiment) css,js = get_stylejs(experiment,url_prefix=url_prefix) loadstring = "%s%s%s" %(loadstring,js,css) if unique == True: scripts = loadstring.split("\n") scripts_index = list(set(scripts, return_index=True))[1] # This ensures that scripts are loaded in same order as specified in config.json unique_scripts = [scripts[idx] for idx in sorted(scripts_index)] loadstring = "\n".join(unique_scripts) return loadstring
[docs]def get_experiment_run(valid_experiments,deployment="local"): '''get_experiment_run returns a dictionary of experiment run code (right now just jspsych init objects) :param valid_experiments: full path to valid experiments folders, OR a loaded config.json (dict) ''' runs = dict() for valid_experiment in valid_experiments: if not isinstance(valid_experiment,dict): experiment = load_experiment(valid_experiment)[0] else: experiment = valid_experiment tag = str(experiment["exp_id"]) if experiment["template"] == "jspsych": runcode = get_jspsych_init(experiment,deployment=deployment) runs[tag] = runcode return runs
# Functions below are for psiturk battery
[docs]def get_load_js(valid_experiments,url_prefix=""): '''get_load_js Return javascript to load list of valid experiments, based on psiturk.json :param valid_experiments: a list of full paths to valid experiments to include ..note:: Format is: { case "simple_rt": loadjscssfile("static/css/experiments/simple_rt.css","css") loadjscssfile("static/js/experiments/simple_rt.js","js") break; case "choice_rt": loadjscssfile("static/css/experiments/choice_rt.css","css") loadjscssfile("static/js/experiments/choice_rt.js","js") break; ... } ''' loadstring = "\n" for valid_experiment in valid_experiments: experiment = load_experiment(valid_experiment)[0] tag = str(experiment["exp_id"]) loadstring = '%scase "%s":\n' %(loadstring,tag) for script in experiment["run"]: fname,ext = os.path.splitext(script) ext = ext.replace(".","").lower() # If the file is included in the experiment if len(script.split("/")) == 1: loadstring = '%s loadjscssfile("%sstatic/experiments/%s/%s","%s")\n' %(loadstring,url_prefix,tag,script,ext) else: loadstring = '%s loadjscssfile("%s%s","%s")\n' %(loadstring,url_prefix,script,ext) loadstring = "%s break;\n" %(loadstring) return loadstring
[docs]def get_concat_js(valid_experiments): '''get_concat_js Return javascript concat section for valid experiments, based on psiturk.json :param valid_experiments: full paths to valid experiments to include ..note:: case "simple-rt": experiments = experiments.concat(simple-rt_experiment) break; case "choice-rt": experiments = experiments.concat(choice-rt_experiment) break; Format for experiment variables is [exp_id]_experiment ''' concatjs = "\n" for valid_experiment in valid_experiments: experiment = load_experiment(valid_experiment)[0] tag = str(experiment["exp_id"]) concatjs = '%scase "%s":\n' %(concatjs,tag) concatjs = '%s experiments = experiments.concat(%s_experiment)\n' %(concatjs,tag) concatjs = '%s break;\n' %(concatjs) return concatjs
[docs]def get_timing_js(valid_experiments): '''get_timing_js Produce string (json / dictionary) of experiment timings :param valid_experiments: a list of full paths to valid experiments to include ..note:: Produces the following format for each experiment {name:"simple_rt", time: 3.5}, {name:"choice_rt", time: 4}, ... ''' timingjs = [] for valid_experiment in valid_experiments: experiment = load_experiment(valid_experiment)[0] timingjs.append({"name":str(experiment["exp_id"]),"time":experiment["time"]}) return timingjs