Source code for expfactory.experiment

''' part of expfactory package
Functions to work with javascript experiments


from expfactory.utils import find_directories, remove_unicode_dict
from glob import glob
import filecmp
import json
import re
import os

[docs]def get_validation_fields(): '''get_validation_fields Returns a list of tuples (each a field) ..note:: specifies fields required for a valid json (field,value,type) field: the field name value: indicates minimum required entires 0: not required, no warning 1: required, not valid 2: not required, warning type: indicates the variable type ''' return [("run",1,list), ("name",2,str), ("contributors",0,str), ("time",1,int), ("notes",0,str), ("reference",2,str), ("exp_id",1,str), ("cognitive_atlas_task_id",2,str), ("experiment_variables",0,list), ("publish",1,str), ("deployment_variables",0,str), ("template",1,str)]
[docs]def notvalid(reason): print(reason) return False
[docs]def dowarning(reason): print(reason)
[docs]def get_valid_templates(): return ['jspsych','survey','phaser','custom']
[docs]def get_acceptable_values(package_name): acceptable_values = dict() acceptable_values["jspsych"] =["display_element", "on_finish", "on_trial_start", "on_trial_finish", "on_data_update", "show_progress_bar", "max_load_time", "skip_load_check", "fullscreen", "default_iti"] acceptable_values["survey"] = ["fullscreen"] return acceptable_values[package_name]
[docs]def validate(experiment_folder=None,warning=True): '''validate :param experiment_folder: full path to experiment folder with config.json :param warning: issue a warning for empty fields with level 2 (warning) ..note:: takes an experiment folder, and looks for validation based on: - config.json - files existing specified in config.json All fields should be defined, but for now we just care about run scripts ''' if experiment_folder==None: experiment_folder=os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()) try: meta = load_experiment(experiment_folder) if meta == False: return notvalid("%s is not an experiment." %(experiment_folder)) experiment_name = os.path.basename(experiment_folder) except: return notvalid("%s: config.json is not loadable." %(experiment_folder)) if len(meta)>1: return notvalid("%s: config.json has length > 1, not valid." %(experiment_folder)) fields = get_validation_fields() valid_templates = get_valid_templates() for field,value,ftype in fields: # Field must be in the keys if required if field not in meta[0].keys() and value == 1: return notvalid("%s: config.json is missing required field %s" %(experiment_name,field)) else: if value == 2: if warning == True: dowarning("WARNING: config.json is missing field %s: %s" %(field,experiment_name)) if field == "exp_id": # Tag must correspond with folder name if meta[0][field] != experiment_name: return notvalid("%s: exp_id parameter %s does not match folder name." %(experiment_name,meta[0][field])) # name cannot have special characters, only _ and letters/numbers if not re.match("^[a-z0-9_]*$", meta[0][field]): return notvalid("%s: exp_id parameter %s has invalid characters, only lowercase [a-z],[0-9], and _ allowed." %(experiment_name,meta[0][field])) # Check if experiment is production ready if field == "publish": if meta[0][field] == "False": return notvalid("%s: config.json specifies not production ready." %experiment_name) # Run must be a list of strings if field == "run": # Is it a list? if not isinstance(meta[0][field],ftype): return notvalid("%s: field %s must be %s" %(experiment_name,field,ftype)) # Is an experiment.js defined # Is each script in the list a string? for script in meta[0][field]: # If we have a single file, is it in the experiment folder? if len(script.split("/")) == 1: if not os.path.exists("%s/%s" %(experiment_folder,script)): return notvalid("%s: %s is specified in config.json but missing." %(experiment_name,script)) # Do we have an external script? It must be https if"http",script) and not"https",script): return notvalid("%s: external script %s must be https." %(experiment_name,script)) # Below is for required parameters if value == 1: if meta[0][field] == "": return notvalid("%s: config.json must be defined for field %s" %(experiment_name,field)) # Field value must have minimum of value entries if not isinstance(meta[0][field],list): tocheck = [meta[0][field]] else: tocheck = meta[0][field] if len(tocheck) < value: return notvalid("%s: config.json must have >= %s for field %s" %(experiment_name,value,field)) # Below is for warning parameters elif value == 2: if meta[0][field] == "": if warning == True: dowarning("WARNING: config.json is missing value for field %s: %s" %(field,experiment_name)) # Check the experiment template, currently valid are jspsych and survey if field == "template": if meta[0][field] not in valid_templates: return notvalid("%s: we currently only support %s experiments." %(experiment_name,",".join(valid_templates))) # Jspsych javascript experiment if meta[0][field] == "jspsych": if "run" in meta[0]: if "experiment.js" not in meta[0]["run"]: return notvalid("%s: experiment.js is not defined in run" %(experiment_name)) else: return notvalid("%s: config.json is missing required field run" %(experiment_name)) # Material Design light survey elif meta[0][field] == "survey": if not os.path.exists("%s/survey.tsv" %(experiment_folder)): return notvalid("%s: required survey.tsv for template survey not found." %(experiment_name)) # Phaser game elif meta[0][field] == "phaser": if not os.path.exists("%s/Run.js" %(experiment_folder)): return notvalid("%s: required Run.js main game file not found." %(experiment_name)) if "run" not in meta[0]["deployment_variables"]: return notvalid("%s: 'run' (code) is required in deployment_variables" %(experiment_name)) # Validation for deployment_variables if field == "deployment_variables": if "deployment_variables" in meta[0]: if "jspsych_init" in meta[0][field]: check_acceptable_variables(experiment_name,meta[0][field],"jspsych","jspsych_init") elif "survey" in meta[0][field]: check_acceptable_variables(experiment_name,meta[0][field],"survey","material_design") return True
[docs]def check_acceptable_variables(experiment_name,field_dict,template,field_dict_key): '''check_acceptable_variables takes a field (eg, meta[0][field]) that has a dictionary, and some template key (eg, jspsych) and makes sure the keys of the dictionary are within the allowable for the template type (the key). :param experiment_name: the name of the experiment :param field_dict: the field value from the config.json, a dictionary :param field_dict_key: a key to look up in the field_dict, which should contain a dictionary of {"key":"value"} variables :param template: the key name, for looking up acceptable values using get_acceptable_values ''' acceptable_values = get_acceptable_values(template) for acceptable_var,acceptable_val in field_dict[field_dict_key].items(): if acceptable_var not in acceptable_values: return notvalid("%s: %s is not an acceptable value for %s." %(experiment_name,acceptable_var,field_dict_key)) # Jspsych specific validation if template == "jspsych": # Variables that must be boolean if acceptable_var in ["show_progress_bar","fullscreen","skip_load_check"]: check_boolean(experiment_name,acceptable_val,acceptable_var) # Variables that must be numeric if acceptable_var in ["default_iti","max_load_time"]: if isinstance(acceptable_val,str) or isinstance(acceptable_val,bool): return notvalid("%s: %s is not an acceptable value for %s in %s. Must be numeric." %(experiment_name,acceptable_val,acceptable_var,field_dict_key)) elif template == "survey": # Variables that must be boolean if acceptable_var in ["show_progress_bar","fullscreen","skip_load_check"]: check_boolean(experiment_name,acceptable_val,acceptable_var)
[docs]def check_boolean(experiment_name,value,variable_name): '''check_boolean checks if a value is boolean :param experiment_name: the name of the experiment :param value: the value to check :param variable_name: the name of the variable (the key being indexed in the dictionary) ''' if value not in [True,False]: return notvalid("%s: %s is not an acceptable value for %s. Must be true/false." %(experiment_name,value,varialbe_name))
[docs]def get_experiments(experiment_repo, load=False, warning=True, repo_type="experiments"): '''get_experiments return loaded json for all valid experiments from an experiment folder :param experiment_repo: full path to the experiments repo :param load: if True, returns a list of loaded config.json objects. If False (default) returns the paths to the experiments :param repo_type: tells the user what kind of task is being parsed, default is "experiments," but can also be "surveys" when called by get_surveys ''' experiments = find_directories(experiment_repo) valid_experiments = [e for e in experiments if validate(e,warning)] print("Found %s valid %s" %(len(valid_experiments),repo_type)) if load == True: valid_experiments = load_experiments(valid_experiments) return valid_experiments
[docs]def load_experiments(experiment_folders): '''load_experiments a wrapper for load_experiment to read multiple experiments :param experiment_folders: a list of experiment folders to load, full paths ''' experiments = [] if isinstance(experiment_folders,str): experiment_folders = [experiment_folders] for experiment_folder in experiment_folders: exp = load_experiment(experiment_folder) experiments.append(exp) return experiments
[docs]def load_experiment(experiment_folder): '''load_experiment: reads in the config.json for an :param experiment folder: full path to experiment folder ''' fullpath = os.path.abspath(experiment_folder) configjson = "%s/config.json" %(fullpath) if not os.path.exists(configjson): return notvalid("config.json could not be found in %s" %(experiment_folder)) try: with open(configjson,"r") as filey: meta = json.load(filey) meta = remove_unicode_dict(meta[0]) return [meta] except ValueError as e: print("Problem reading config.json, %s" %(e)) raise
[docs]def find_changed(new_repo,comparison_repo,return_experiments=True,repo_type="experiments"): '''find_changed returns a list of changed files or experiments between two repos :param new_repo: the updated repo - any new files, or changed files, will be returned :param comparison_repo: the old repo to compare against. A file changed or missing in this repo in the new_repo indicates it should be tested :param return_experiments: return experiment folders. Default is True. If False, will return complete file list ''' # First find all experiment folders in current repo experiment_folders = get_experiments(new_repo,load=False,warning=False,repo_type=repo_type) file_list = [] # Find all files for experiment_folder in experiment_folders: for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(experiment_folder): for filename in filenames: file_list.append(os.path.join(root, filename)) # Compare against master changed_files = [] for contender_file in file_list: old_file = contender_file.replace("%s/expfactory-%s" %(os.environ["HOME"],repo_type),comparison_repo) # If the old file exists, check if it's changed if os.path.exists(old_file): if not filecmp.cmp(old_file,contender_file): changed_files.append(contender_file) # If it doesn't exist, we check else: changed_files.append(contender_file) # Find differences with compare print("Found files changed: %s" %(",".join(changed_files))) if return_experiments == True: return list(set([os.path.dirname(x.strip("\n")) for x in changed_files if os.path.dirname(x.strip("\n")) != ""])) return changed_files
[docs]def make_lookup(experiment_list,key_field): '''make_lookup returns dict object to quickly look up query experiment on exp_id :param experiment_list: a list of query (dict objects) :param key_field: the key in the dictionary to base the lookup key (str) :returns lookup: dict (json) with key as "key_field" from query_list ''' lookup = dict() for single_experiment in experiment_list: lookup_key = single_experiment[0][key_field] lookup[lookup_key] = single_experiment[0] return lookup